Monday 3 December 2007

Building the Wedding Man Character.

Learning how to Cut: I had really had problems trying to model the man’s jacket. I’d searched out tutorials for cloth and tried unsuccessfully to apply them to my figure. The main challenge I had was by using simple object to create the body was editing them. I tried various ways for days, before realising I just couldn’t get the effect I wanted.

Fortunately, the lesson this week proved invaluable, when Joe showed me the cut function, and suddenly everything was possible! From that I was able to cut a shape to show the shirt and sculpt the collar.

Collar Problems: It wasn’t till I tried to sculpt the collar I realised that my 2D perspective was totally wrong in 3D, so quickly I went to the internet to download jacket pictures to examine how the collar surrounds the neck and turns into the lapels. Interesting, 3D thinking is a totally new way of working!

So finally my wedding man was finished, boned to move his arms and looked pretty good. Now all I had to do was copy him and adapt him to make his bride. Easy – or so I thought!

Lesson learnt from modelling the man: Boning, adding dummies, the cut & extrude function.

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