Thursday 15 November 2007

Problems Problems...

I am really struggling to put what I want into practice. Looking at the wedding man icing figure, the coat is quite easy to wrap around the body, but recreating it in Max is proving to be a real nightmare. It should be easy, it probably is, but I just cant figure it out. Downloaded a cloth tutorial, but my results were just HORRIBLE! I also tried adding a biped to the figire and everything started going wrong. All in all a disaster. So in the end decided that only the arms will move, so I am happy that it won't affect the animation needed for the idents, but unhappy that I wasn't able to figure ot how to add the whole thing.

ALSO manipulating shapes as editable polys is also turning into a real problem. See below my aborted efforts at ahand. I realy need some help to get this finished in time to the level that I will be satisfied with. Don't want to end up with a half-arsed job. Need to speak to you Joe on Monday!

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