Saturday 10 November 2007

Playing with Max

Playing with Max

I must admit I am a novice at 3D Max, so this week realising how quickly the end of semester is looming I sat down and worked through some of the tutorials in Max 9, and it was a real eye-opener. Firstly the range of possibilities is enormous, but secondly, how the heck can someone learn all the different hidden menus! The bouncing ball tutorial had me opening up sub-boxes to show different things that I would never have ever found on my own. The layout of the programme is definitely NOT HCI friendly!

Still, it gave the confidence to explore different shapes, and was delighted when I started playing with the Extended Primitives in the create section. It made modelling the cake, and the table much easier than anticipated with better than anticipated results! I am especially pleased with the use of the ChamferCyl for the table, which makes it look as though it has a pleated edge, very much like a lot of table cloths found at weddings.

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