Sunday 14 October 2007

Ideas for the ident

Been thinking hard about the rght ident for the piece. Have been watching a lot of the TV idents, especially BBC2 & 3 which fits my perception of the use I'm going to put my characters to rather than the graphical (and extremely clever) idents of BBC4.

I want to utilize the 3D Max elements as much as possible to give a real sense of depth and fluidity, again taking the BBC2 '2' logo & 3 static charter idents and making their environment much more dynamic, without the filmic qualities that BBC2 are currently employing.

So, here's the first idea. Now all I have to do is decided whether to adapt the current idea into three similar pieces to retain continuity and corporate identity, or to make each one radically different. From looking at all the current and recent past idents, the former, continuity, seems to be the way to adopt.

1 comment:

Jo Bowman said...

I really like your storyboarding style! Plenty of colour and very bold drawings - very good!